Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The cafeteria will now be serving ice cream on Fridays! Ice cream will sold in line E and the cost ranges from $.50 -$1.00 and there is a variety to choose from! There will be other snacks sold in line E starting Monday : Gatorade- Fruit punch and Glacier Freeze $1.25, Nesquick Chuggers $1.75, Water 20oz. $1.00, Water 12oz. $1.00, Assorted chips $.75,  Smoothies strawberry/banana   $1.50 Does contain milk product, Rice Krispy treats $.75, Cereal bars $.75, Fruit snack $.75, Small cookie $.25.

The lightning lounge is open every Friday during lunch. Students can use lightning loot to purchase items, so keep practicing the 5 P’s and earning your lightning loot!