Good morning Charger Families. 8th grade students will be taking the FSA WRITING ASSESSMENT Monday and Tuesday and this test is a COMPUTER BASED test which requires us to be on the internet to test. So, we PLEASE ask ALL students to keep their cell phones at home or...

8th Grade FSA Writing Test UPDATE!

Charger Families! We thank you all for your patience and understanding with the new computer based testing FSA platform. Our 8th grade students will be participating in the FSA WRITING Assessment on Monday March 9th and Tuesday March 10th from 8:40 am -11:30 am....

Florida Standards Writing Assessment

On Monday March 2nd from 8:40a.m – 11:30 a.m. the majority of Chasco Middle School students will be participating in the FSA Writing Assessment. The majority of 6th grade students will be taking the PAPER BASED test in their 1st period teacher’s class. The...